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'K. Íó¾Ãõ'
Name |
K. Sundaram |
Nick name |
Sundar |
BirthDay |
20th March 1957 |
Place of Residing |
Chennai |
Family |
Wife, One son and One daughter |
Education |
M.Sc |
Profession |
Software Consultant |
Aim |
publish a book on Thirukkural analyzing
it in different angles. |
Hobbies |
Reading Books, Gardening, Letter to the
Editor |
Mother Tongue |
Other languages known |
English, Sanskrit and Telugu |
I like |
Actors: Sivaji Ganesan, S.V. Renga
Rao, Kamal Hasan
Place: Haridwar, Rishikesh
Book/Author: "Sivakamiyin Sabatham,
Ponniyin Selvan / Kalki |
A line u enjoyed! (Quotation) |
Great people do not do different things,
They do things differently. |
I am a fan of |
Thiruvalluvar |
What do u like about Tamil |
I like the great work of Thiruvalluvar and
Bharathiyar songs |
Your favourite section in Nilacharal |
Siru Kathaigal |
I like to say…. |
I like Kalki magazine verymuch as it is
maintaining a good standard in publishing
good stories. Even in criticizing it uses
some polite and polish words. It never stoop
down to give so called 'real stories'. I
would like nilacharal to follow this magazine
in this regard. |
About Myself |
I am an M.Sc. Maths graduate and worked
in a nationalised bank for 15 years and
joined a software company in Chennai. I
worked in different capacities in Bank in
different parts of India. |
Would you like to share anything else? |
Some of the short stories are really good
and written in a lucid style. I take printout
of one short story per day and give it to
my son studying in 6th Std. And daughter
studying in 2nd Std. They enjoy the stories
very much. I screen and censor the stories
and give only those stories which can be
understood by them. My son really enjoy
reading the stories verymuch. |
'¯É즸ýÚ ´Õ ¯Ä¸õ' ¸¨¾ìÌ Íó¾Ãõ ±Ø¾¢Â Å¢Á÷ºÉõ:
A very good story with lucid narration. The bank manager need not have replied
that penalty will be more if the amount is taken. The story might be better if
the father had written a will transfering the funds to the ashram with a
condition to take care of her wife till death.
§¸ûÅ¢¸¨ÇÔõ Å¢¨¼¨ÂÔõ À¡÷ô§À¡Á¡!
"±ò¾¨É ÀȨŸû?" §¸ûÅ¢ì¸¡É Å¢¨¼! - 36 ÀȨŸû
x + x + x/2 + x/4 + 1 = 100
4x+4x+2x+x+4 = 400
11x = 396
ºÃ¢Â¡É Å¢¨¼ÂÇ¢ò¾Å÷¸û!
‚ľ¡, USA |
ᧃŠÅâ ‚ɢšºý, þó¾¢Â¡ |
À¢§ÃÁ¡, ¦Àí¸é÷ |
¦ƒÂ¡, À‹¨Ãý |
º¡Å¢òâ, ¦ºý¨É |
À¢§ÃÁ¡, ¦Àí¸é÷ |
¦ƒÂ¡, À‹¨Ãý |
Here is the brain teaser. can u tell
the answer?
I am 8 letters long-12345678
My1234 is an atmospheric condition.
my 34567 supports a plant
My 4567 is to appropriate
my 678 is a name.
Answer :Mistaken
ºÃ¢Â¡É Å¢¨¼ÂÇ¢ò¾Å÷:
À¢§ÃÁ¡, ¦Àí¸é÷
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À¡¸Å¾÷ |
¦ºô¼õÀ÷ 11 |
The writeup on Mahangal is
excellent. Please give the details of such great people of Tamil Nadu
- S. áÁîºó¾¢Ãý, þó¾¢Â¡
I am glad that Nilacharal
has highlighted the performance of a Chinese who is well versed in singing
songs in Karnatic style. There are other people from other foreign
countries who are mastering our Karnatic music. Mrs. Takako Arai, a
Japanese underwent training at Govt.Music College at Thiruvayyaru for a
year. She sang three songs of Walajapet Venkataramana Bhagavathar in
Ayyampettai, Thanjavur District of Tamil Nadu where the annual Jayanthi
celebrations of Walajapet Venkataramana Bhagavathar are
taking place every year in March. Walajapet Venkataramana
Bhagavathar was the chief devoted disciple of Saint Tyagaraja. He has
recorded Tygaraja's songs in palm leaves. They are all now in
Sourashtra Sabha Musuem and Library, Madurai. I wish Nilacharal highlights
foreign musicians who are interested in Indian Music.-
Hon. Director of Museum, Sourashtra Sabha Museum & Library, Madurai
It is very Useful for my
Information Dairy So u will put every day for this type of news.
- ÓÕ¸ý, þó¾¢Â¡
so many things to get connected with the numeral 11!!!!!!!!!
- ¸¨ÄøÅ¢, þó¾¢Â¡
First Class
Professor |
Respected sir,
Realy superb and I appreciate your articles.
- ºó¾¢Ã¡, þó¾¢Â¡ |
I enjoyed reading this
article since I am a former student of Dr Vijay. I would like to get his
email id to write to him personally about this essay which I thoroughly
- áõÌÁ¡÷,
§º÷ò¾Ðõ º¢ó¾¢ò¾Ðõ |
Sir, The flow is well and
attractive. The joke is super. The spiritual
sentances are good, especially third one is well. It is well the
information coded in the middle layer. congrats ..-
Nice Job!
- ¦ƒÂሠáÁîºó¾¢Ãý, USA
Interview |
The really meaningful
exclusive interview of Bala Pillai with Nila is just superb. I wonder how
could I miss this Ed's, so far. Thank you for the information about
- «ýÉý
ÀÍÀ¾¢, þó¾¢Â¡ |
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§¸ûÅ¢¸Ç¢ø ²§¾Ûõ ´ýÚìÌ À¾¢Ö¼ý,
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