can be more safer than walking the well explored path?
It is easy to follow than to lead. The pioneers resent
following. Initiative is the common denominator among
all inventors and discoverers.
History shows us that the world has always failed to recognize
the harbingers on the outset. They have been subjects
of ridicule, hatred, ondemnation and blasphemy. The greatest
beneficiary of all inventions and discoveries, the state,
often had been the biggest hurdle. However there have
been instances when the state had patronized the pioneers
- more often than not for causes that are so unpleasant
that some of them have changed the face of our planet
permanently. Yet the faith and conviction of a pioneer
never seizes. They simply keep emerging. It is overwhelming
to understand how far the unshakable belief one has in
him and his ideas can take him and his society. The all
well-known ancient civilizations flourished because of
the magnificent visions of the early settlers who refused
to concede the smallest element of doubt in their quest
for riverbeds. Our world wouldn't have been the same as
we see it now had it not been for the Magellans who believed
in their compasses to show us the entire world.
If there could be anything that inventors like Edison
could offer us more than light bulbs, it would be the
invaluable lesson that one must not fail to expect testing
with hundreds of elements unsuitable for the purpose before
identifying the right one that would continue to be used
by generations to come.
To be a pioneer takes a lot of sacrifice. That could even
mean losing the faith of the very people whom would benefit
from the outcome. If finding something new is harder,
convincing others about it is the
hardest. It is no different from trying to explain the
danger of fire to a land of blinds.
We need more pioneers. Take a good look at yourself -h
you may be one.