4. Organisations are finding it difficult to retain people despite
rich pay and incentives. How are you able to motivate people to
do voluntary service?
It is a very good question.
In a nutshell,
the immediate answer is: they appeal to your mind, I appeal to
your soul. So, there cannot be any better appeal. And, I am
able to appeal to your soul because all the souls in the world
belong to me. I am the Sole Authority for all your souls. That is
why I coined a phrase ‘There are no inmates in Ramarajya. All are
soul mates’
Name another
person who cares for everyone equally like me; you cannot.
option is available to you too. But you do not opt for it. You are
very choosy. You are unable to express yourself even in love. You
have all the time. While I am busy, I still find time to extend
my care to you. You do have the time but you do not interact
or you live in islands in small groups. You do not interact with
everyone equally.
In my case you
can see that so many persons give me foreign-made chocolates and I
make it a point to distribute them among all. If you get something
like that you will hoard and eat it. I give away everything. I am
happy seeing you eat. I do not want to eat. I am very happy when I
see you eat.
instance. There is this child from Bangalore; she recently lost
her mother. I promised her sister and her that I would be their
Mother. My heart is so mellowed, full of love – like the
Anicham flower (a
flower that goes flaccid when you smell it).
I am like that. I have a very delicate heart. And you cannot
purchase me with anything other than love because I am not for
sale. And if you have the love, I will return it thousand fold. I
will do thousand leaps for every single step you take towards me.
And like this I
interact with every person while you cannot. I have my own
methods of moulding persons. Iam unaffected by anything. I do
things for certain reasons. I may not tell you the reason. But I
know what I am doing. Every step of mine is well considered. I
just gave you a case study.
Like this, I
know everyone’s problems. You need not express them to me; I know
them. At times I talk; at times I do not. Even ‘not talking’ is a
prescription. When I talk, it is the other side of the
prescription. You cannot understand how involved I am with all
of you, whether you deserve or not. A few of you may not even
deserve, but I am like that.
I always used to
say, Bin Laden and Yasser Arafat have people who are prepared to
drink cyanide and commit suicide for their sake. But a spiritual
leader does not have that following. If you follow Bin Laden or
Arafat or LTTE Prabhakaran, you will be given a position. You are
prepared to die for these people, but not prepared to hold on to a
spiritual leader. The state of Sivam that you attain
after death can be attained during your lifetime by following a
spiritual path. People proudly claim to be a Sathya Sai or Ram
Surat Kumar devotee, but a small pretext makes them cast these
leaders away. That is because people can always get some other
Society these
days, has cast off spirituality as unwanted. People are prepared
to travel sitting next to the toilets in trains if they do not get
a berth, because they have decided to travel to a particular
place. But they have decided against spirituality. So they are in
a constant state of analyzing – is an A/C seat available; if yes,
they want only second class A/C and so on. They have decided they
will not travel in that particular train of spirituality, so they
do not surrender.
And, my experience is most people
think that they are doing a favour by coming to a Mahaan(saint),
as if they are the very reason for a Mahaan’s living. If the
Mahaan seeks alms from them, they have a right to think so.
But Siva Shankar Baba has guts.
He does not expect anything from anyone. He goes his merry way
in a very casual style of living. He is not obliged to anyone. He
does not subscribe to seeking anything from anyone because
there is nothing he does for his sake. So what will he gain
out of it? If something has to be done, God takes care of the
resources required. Siva Shankar Baba will not compromise on
his policies. He has not come to beg. He has come to give. He
is totally a management man.
So first, I,
Siva Shankar Baba speak to your soul. Second, I have no obligation
towards anyone. Since I am not obliged, I am never flexible. I
will do what I want. I am a slave to love and not to either power
or money. I do not care for anything else.
Thirdly, there
are two ways of managing an organization: pull-pull technique and
push-push technique. Suppose you want to thread a needle. However
much you push the thread into the needle’s eye, it will travel a
small distance only. If you pull it from your side, you can take
it all the way to America. The push-push technique does not work;
the pull-pull technique works. My management is pull-pull.
I take the lead. I do not look back to see whether you are
following me or not. I continue the work I have come for. What I
want to do, I will do and I am doing, because it is God who is
behind me. Even literally. So, I do not wait for anything else. If
I had waited for people to toe the line, the organization would
not have grown to such levels. I continue working even now.
I may not be a
Jack-of-all-trades. But if ever there is a vacuum in this
organization, I can fill it efficiently. I know a little of
everything. I may not be the Master of that particular portfolio
but I can manage without anyone. That is why I formed three
quotations: ‘Everyone is accountable’; ‘Nobody is indispensable’ (see
with what guts I say it);
‘No one is close or far to me’. This is the right state –
a state of no wants.
Then why do I
speak jovially with some and solemnly with others? That is my
technique; a method for moulding people. For everything there is a
technique. Every human being is a particular mould and no one is
alike. And we need to mould everyone according to his cast.
Technique Y may not work with person Z. That is why I handle each
person in a different way.
Children of the
younger generation may not understand great philosophies. They
understand love. You need to be a friend to them. If you are bossy
with them, the work will not get done. You should deal with them
like a friend. And they will feel like coming here. Gradually they
start loving you and your institution. They feel that the one way
to express their love for Baba is to do what Baba likes. They may
not know God; they may not know spirituality. But they love Baba.
So they do everything that will make Baba happy. Baba is
service-oriented. So they also start serving society. This is how
I motivate people into service. Rome was not built in a day. It
takes time.
I took
particular interest in spirituality in 1988. Those days I was
taking care of my business as well as attending to people’s
spiritual needs. For each person who came, I used to buy coffee or
tea or coco cola, dosas (a
to eat. We had no publications then that would generate money.
Everything was spent out of my pocket. I used to get them vadas
(a snack)
in the evening. This is how I moulded everyone.

To make this a model world family, I
had my own long-range vision, strategy. Every Pournami (full
moon day), we used to
charter tourist buses and visit some pilgrim centres. And I always
bought some packets of food for them to eat during the way. I had
to do all this to bring people together. They must be able to
identify themselves as part of one family. We used to visit
Thirukkazhukkunram*, Madurantakam*, Thiruvakkarai*, Mailam*,
Seshadri Swamigal Ashram*, and Thiruvannamalai*. I would serve
everyone food at Mailam. In Seshadri Swamigal Ashram, I would
arrange for chapathis and puris for all of them. I took care of
every single thing very meticulously for everyone who came to me.
Then all of us would perform pradakshina (circumambulating)
of the Thiruvannamalai hills, singing bhajans. (*
these are
pilgrimage centres)
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