Q What
should be the mind set and the attitude of a sishya when he goes
to meet a guru for the first time?

should go with a blank mind. He should not have any expectation;
He must go with a mind for research. He must not feign acceptance.
Else at a small pretext the faith will fade. It is not worth it.
must not take a decision about any guru without assessing totally.
And once he has decided to accept a guru, he should not think
about that afterward.
various gurus first, then you can decide on who is yours based
on whose wavelength matches with yours. Don’t visit only one and
accept him or her right away. Observe in whose presence you are
in the best of peace. If you have visited one hundred gurus and
yet not attained peace of mind, then wait for the 101st
person. If you are happy and peaceful in the presence of a particular
guru out of all the 100 you have seen, then accept him as your
( Baba's
replies to other questions continues next week....)