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His Name is Siva Shankar..(64)
'A series of exclusive interviews with Siva Shankar Baba'

-N C Sangeethaa

  How do we convert this Kalavara bhoomi (turbulent world) into Arul Bhoomi, Anbu Bhoomi (haven of love)?




God is not the cause for this kalavara bhoomi. The very reason God made this beautiful world is for you to be happy. The option to remain peaceful and blissful was always available to this mankind. But they spoiled that opportunity. That is why they are suffering. Which is the reason why this question has risen and more such questions become relevant.  

The world is not the mountain or the river or the sky; the world is you and I. I am already at peace with myself. If you can become peaceful, the world will become peaceful. I am already happy. If you can become happy; the world will become happy. This is because the world is you, me and we; It is not the geographical boundaries.  Purananooru declares that the world inherits the qualities of its inhabitants. The more you allow peace to come forth from you, the greater will be the flow of happiness in the world. The question will become irrelevant the day everyone understands things this way. The decision to be peaceful takes just one second.  I decided. You decide. I am ready. Are you...?


( Baba's replies to other questions continues next week....)


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