Q Why
are our problems not solved even after we associate ourselves
with sathsangh (company of good persons)
Assume you visit
a doctor for getting a boil on your hand cured. The doctor gives
you some medicines and asks you to visit him after the boil softens.
When you go back to him he cleans the wound, applies ointment
and covers the wound with a bandage. If the doctor had done this
the first day itself, the boil will re-appear and trouble the
hand. This medication is what we call ‘curing from the root’.
The doctor knows what he is doing. It does not make any sense
to ask him what he is up to.

Similarly, in His
limitless compassion, God mitigates the consequences of your past
actions and then does the surgery. It was you who fixed the appointment
with the doctor. You used the medicines prescribed by him, visited
him after the boil softened, and bore the incision patiently.
You know that the doctor means well, so you co-operated with him.
Why are you refusing to co-operate with the Divine Doctor who
is capable of operating on the very source of all your worldly
misdeeds? God works for you free of cost. Why do you refuse
to believe Him? Why do you assume that He is tormenting you?
This is what you have to consider.
Why do people get
into trouble? Assume you have an untamed cow. If you let it roam
freely, it will injure others. It will graze others’ fields and
damage their harvests. Some farmer may beat it. It will run across
to you. What will be your reaction? You will tether it in the
cowshed and give it fodder. You will keep it tethered till it
tames down. Then it will not harm anybody, even on the busiest
We are also cows.
Our owner is Pasupathi (Lord Siva) (in
Tamil, Pasu: Cow; Pathi : Lord). Our owner is Govindan
(Lord Vishnu) (In
Sanskrit, Go: Cow, Vindan: Lord). We are sheep.
Our owner is the Good Shepherd. As long as we, the cows, behave
in a wild manner, we will be bound with the rope of misery. Without
this rope holding us back, we will trouble others and get ourselves
into avoidable trouble. So, God has secured us tightly with the
rope of misery. Once we tame down, Govinda (or) Pasupathi (or)
the Good Shepherd will remove our miseries. Miseries exist till
such time you mellow.
Look at Siva Shankar
Baba. He has mellowed. So no ropes, no miseries, no problems for
you from him. I have no problems from the Supreme who created
me. You must also strive to become like me. Then you too will
attain the bliss I am enjoying now and impart that to others too.
( baba's replies to other questions continues next week....)