Q If good begets good, does evil
beget evil?
Donating a cow at Varanasi
results from good intentions. Slaughtering a cow stems from evil
intentions. If donating a cow at Varanasi fetches you better rewards
than donating it at other places, then harbouring an evil thought
when you are in a good place will fetch you multiple bad effects.
What you sow, you reap.
If the soil is fertile, you will get good harvest. A barren land
does not yield any produce. A Mahaan’s abode is a fertile land.
If you sow good there, you will reap good. If you sow your evil
thoughts there, you will reap evil consequences.
Duryodhana prostrated in
front of Krishna, with the thought, ‘I will be relieved of my
sins thus. Krishna, I surrender all my sins to you’. He did not
mention it, though. Krishna laughed and declared, ‘Duryodhana,
whatever anyone gives me, I will return it to them ten-fold’.

It is up to those who sin
to make amends. If you have taken a loan of 10 rupees, you
must earn 11 rupees to be able to return the amount. If you
have accumulated the consequences of vices across several earlier
births, it is you who must counterbalance them with virtue. Is
it not brazen impudence that makes one think of submitting one’s
evil acts to the Lord? One must offer to
Him the best one has.
So many persons offer me
something to eat. Very few do it out of love. For most others,
it is an act of pride. Many persons bring me garlands, some of
them faded. I don’t ask for anything, do I? You are offering garlands
to the Lord, so must you not give the best available? You must
offer the best delicacies to the Lord. That is Sabari’s path to
salvation; she tasted every fruit to choose the best for Rama.
Take the instance of Kannappa
Nayanar. All he had was love for the Lord, which prompted him
to offer meat, the food that he was acquainted with. What
is the use of buying six rotten plantains to the Lord, just because
a single pomegranate costs Rs. Six?
Yogi Ram Surat Kumar was
very particular about what was offered to him. If someone brought
him a sweet box, he would ask where it was purchased. Think this
over: if you really wanted to offer a Mahaan anything, you would
have purchased the best ghee, prepared the sweet in a clean vessel
and brought it to him in a clean dish. Only this is proof of your
love for him. A Mahaan, because of his love for the Almighty,
renounces the world and is serving you. Must you not reciprocate
this with the best that you have? If your wife does not prepare
a dish of your taste, you fling the plate at her; so why do you
expect a Mahaan to accept whatever you give him?
Most persons wallow in this
mental poverty. The day you offer the best
you have to the Lord who has given you the senses to perceive
the world, you will become wealthy.
( baba's answers to other questions continues next week)