His name is Siva Shankar..(20)
'A series of exclusive interviews with Siva Shankar Baba'

-N C Sangeethaa

Q 9. What is your message to the future leaders-today's younger generation?

Message One : The future is yours.
Message Two : You are the future.
Message Three : You can mould your future.

You are the future, you can mould your future and the future belongs to you. Not everyone makes use of the available opportunities. The outside world is presently in disarray. At this juncture, the children residing in Kelambakkam spiritual centre and those studying in SushilHari School must imbibe the atmosphere they have been provided with. You must utilize this opportunity and equip yourself for your work of restoring peace and amity in the world.

This is the age when you can plan for your future. Study well. Inculcate values.

Be hale and healthy. Health is very important. If you lose your health, there is no use acquiring knowledge.

Each one of you has some inherent talent. Nurture it. Using your talent is one of the many options available to you for making a living.

Anyone can shine as an individual. People find it difficult to shine as a team/institution. Train yourself right now to be in a position to contribute to the success of your team.

We are giving you ample opportunities. You have all the facilities at Kelambakkam spiritual centre to develop yourself into a multifaceted personality. Make use of all the facilities here.

Do not be a very serious person. Strike a balance. You must know to be jovial too. It will come in useful if you choose a marketing career. A serious person has no place there; you must know how to interact with people.

We have a good collection of books in our library here (at Kelambakkam centre). We have many educational CDs. Cultivate an interest in these; it will help expand your knowledge horizon.

Learn the social habits of all nations. When you are in Rome, do as Romans do. You must hold on to your values, but no situation should throw you off balance.

Know to differentiate between love and lust. Indians assume that the West has a flawed culture. It is not totally so. There they have learnt to establish a very sophisticated interpersonal relationship. Not everyone lands up having a relationship based on lust. Initially Indians have a terrible time adjusting to the Western culture, as a result of which they are ridiculed for their 'poor social habits'.

Know that each person is an individual in his/her own rights. Master the art of teamwork. The social habits you get trained in, will help you be an efficient team member.

If our Indian youngsters can put in long hours at the United States, why not here? Learn to wake early and train your system to adapt itself to long hours of work. Only then can you call yourself an international citizen.

Equip yourself with good dress sense. Table manners are essential. You need not be extremely sophisticated, but you must know to use fork and spoon.

I can teach you everything that is essential for a worthwhile living. If you want to balance the nature of the materialistic and spiritual worlds, imbibe what I tell you. I belong to the best of the East and the West. It is up to you to make maximum use of me. I can train you in all fields.

Learn to be clean. Train your breathing system so that you do not snore during sleep. Otherwise you will become a burden.

You must care for others. Avoid jealousy. Everyone has some good quality. Learn from others, but do not lower yourself by feeling jealous of them. Jealousy will lead to hatred and you will never be able to lead a normal life. Knowledge is your greatest asset and anything you learn when you are young will be deeply imprinted in your mind forever. People can rob you of your wealth, but knowledge is everlasting. So cultivate good habits right now.

Enhance your learning skills. There are so many educational channels: Discovery channel, BBC and so on, diversify your interests. Strive to be a genius. Only when you accept you do not know about something, can you learn.

Education, Devotion, Discipline, Cleanliness, an inclination towards arts, aesthetics, physical exercise, manners, good habits, these need to be learnt right from childhood. Only then you will be able to outdo others. If you gain confidence in yourself, you have won the world. This will not happen in one day. I am not very much concerned if you do not perform very well at studies; but you have to inculcate good qualities.

You have a great responsibility towards the nation. It will do you well to remember this always and do what you can for your country.

Know one thing. I will be jovial. But I am keenly perceptive of what goes on around me. As long as you follow values, I will give you respect. It is in your own interests to ensure you are in my good books always.

I know to mould you, but you must develop the inclination to be moulded.

( Baba's clarifications to seekers' queries commence next week.)


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