I have implemented a stable structure and provided
ways for development of skills.
As far as the third parameter is concerned, there are like-minded
spiritual organizations all over the world. As of now, they
lack the spirit of amity among themselves. When they are prepared
to prioritize spiritual service above everything else, then
co-ordination of views is possible. I am willing to wait
because I have done what I should. My gates are wide open
to receive anyone who steps inside. I can provide them all possible
comforts. I have an organization that can take care of all their

To speak of quantitative growth of the organization, I have
seen huge numbers. I am not willing to market our spiritual
prowess. There needs to be a spiritual renaissance impelled
by a keen awareness in the outside society. When people decide
that a spiritual awakening is ready for them, let them come
to me. I can take care of them. My reply is ‘I am ready,
are you?’ They must, of their own accord, feel the drive
for self-realization. I do not stand to gain or lose if anyone
comes or not. I do not have any expectations. For me, the world
is finished. I am at peace with myself. So the external world
holds no attraction or aversion for me. I am ready; the world
is not. I will wait for the right time.