Campaign Against Patkar Gaining Ground?
By objecting to Ms. Patkar's presence, the attackers indicated their
thinking that Ms. Patkar has only nuisance and trouble value. At least
from a neutral perspective, it is difficult for the author to consider
all those who tried to attack her [BJP Youth Wing, some Congressmen
and members belonging to National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL)]
"as vested interests, who have been responsible for the exploitation
and injustice on our poor and depressed sections, and who have been
fanning the communal orgy in the state", as alleged by Ms. Patkar. They
could have been provoked by the campaign, which goes parallel to NBA
campaign, by which people of Gujarat are told that by protesting against
Sardar Sarovar Dam, Medha Patkar is jeopardizing the possible benefits
that Gujarat especially the people of Kutch and Saurashtra would get
as and when the project is completed. If at all anything, there are
two things that came out very clearly after the attack on Ms. Patkar
in Sabarmati Ashram. Firstly, Gujarat people are alienated from NBA
by a calculated allegation that Ms. Patkar is an evil to Gujarat. This
campaign is gaining ground and as a consequence of this, Ms. Patkar
specifically and social activists in India in general, would have to
face serious attempts on their lives if they fight for a genuine cause.
Mahatma of Modern-India Must Aim for Larger Support
As Ms. Patkar is the torchbearer of the activists of democratic India,
she also needs to think in these lines and do the needful. She has to
win the confidence of almost all sections of people if she is committed
to institute a new trend of activism in India. She should not be contended
with vociferous campaign and winning only the support of the affected.
If the affected alone could change the tides, they do not need Patkars.
They are looking towards Patkars basically because they could communicate
their miseries to the rest of the country/world and win a larger support
base for their cause. In fact, this author finds it difficult to convince
his educated circle on the noble cause Ms. Patkar is fighting for. The
anger against Ms. Patkar cuts across educational and economic background
of people. Ms. Patkar as the "Modern-India Mahatma " should connect
to almost all sections of the country if not to all Indians. It may
be a Herculean task but the kind of fight that she is fighting against
and the kind of evils (communalists and capitalists) that she has to
take on, she requires the kind of support that this author suggests
here. There are thousands of people like this author who would like
to participate in this effort to garner a larger acceptance for her
in the Nation. However, her willingness and commitment to go for it
is very important. 
Growing Intolerance of Political Class & Compromising
Police Force
The political class in power has increasingly become intolerant of press
criticism. Mr. Modi, on predictable lines blamed the media for fanning
the riots in Gujarat. He does not want to see and face the ground reality.
Open denunciation and sometimes intimidation of the media by the rulers
undermines the democratic right to freedom of speech and expression
and also encourages mob attacks such as the one happened in the Ashram.
The police personnel's highhanded action against the journalists
present at the Ashram is highly condemnable. It was much like what had
happened a few months back in Tamilnadu. It is disturbing that the Police
remained "inactive" when the mob entered the ashram and disrupted the
proceedings for over 30 minutes. They started acting only after the
media persons followed the hooligans and started taking photographs.
Police reportedly targeted the press people. Criticizing the police
action, the organizers alleged that police did not prevent the hooligans
or take any action when some of them manhandled Ms. Patkar. She was
escorted to a room by the organizers but the miscreants came after her
even after police tried to sneak her out through a backdoor.
Arrest the Genocide in Gujarat
The only consolation is that politicians, social activists, historians
and people from different walks of life are coming together to protest
against the carnage and "calculated genocide'' in Gujarat. There should
be a concerted effort from the right thinking and concerned citizenry
to expose the designs of the "fascist'' and "divisive" forces. The Centre
should not wait anymore and it should give a final ultimatum to Gujarat
government to set the things right and if the ultimatum is not met,
Mr. Modi's government should be unseated. The Human Rights Commission
should be asked to prepare a white paper on the current situation in
Clearly, Gujarat is under the control of mobs for over
a month and Mr. Modi lacked the administrative will or competence to
check it. He has failed to properly discharge his constitutional responsibility.
The least that the Gujarat Government should do is to bring the culprits
to book swiftly to restore the confidence of people regarding their
personal security. It would be in the good interest of Gujarat and India
if the educated elite and concerned citizens in that State come together
and arrest the erosion that is taking place in Gujarat. Otherwise, Gujarat
would not be a model State that used to attract lots of investments
from foreign investors. The least that is expected of the Centre and
the "so-called" Statesman Mr Vajpayee is to replace Mr Modi and install
a new government under a more secular leader from BJP. If he does not
find a secular person, the President should dismiss the State government.
If what is happening in Gujarat is not a constitutional break down what
is then known as Constitutional violation?
This author is in complete agreement with Ms. Patkar when
she says that the Sabarmati episode should not be looked in isolation.
She very aptly capsuled the bloodshed in Gujarat and the violent incident
in Sabarmati Ashram as "the continuation of what the communalists under
various denominations of Sangha Parivar have started as a part of Gujarat
Program". All these incidents seem to have the overt or tacit connivance
of the State government led by Narendra Modi.