Issue: 228
3, October 2005 |
See What Mental Distortions Could Do in Real World
The first picture shows a young couple who imagine in their minds a bleak future for their new born female infant…They see the would-be son-in-law torturing their
would-be-bride-infant… and proceed to kill the baby.

The same couple, just by being persuaded by some social-workers to imagine full grown teak would trees around their home, can see trees that help pay a dowry, if a need should arise! And they don’t murder the baby – rather, proceed to grow trees!
Note, in the first case, there is
no real world threat for the baby that triggers them to kill her: They
imagine a would-be son-in-law who would be bad! That is enough.
Similarly, to stop killing the child, you don’t need a would-be-son-in-law to come and given an undertaking to marry their daughter without dowry! You only need to build options – trees – in their minds!
Truly, much of the tragedy that we humans cause to each others could be avoided if only we could get out of our mental distortions: our distorted ways of looking at each other, and their ways!
Objective: To build your capacity to escape distortions embedded in your brain.
Relax… Take a few deep breaths… sit relaxed… become aware of the world outside, as you perceive them through your senses: becoming aware of what you hear, what you feel on the skin… just for a few minutes…
Imagine yourself letting go of all your learnt beliefs, becoming free of all loaded programs in mind… of all that others put into your mind when you were yet a child…
Enjoy the act of letting go, becoming free, just by imagining yourself like a light feather floating in space, in gentle breeze…
The more you let go, the more you feel light, the more you become aware of the good inside of you, leading you… from deep within…
Just tell yourself that you trust yourself… that you believe that you can discover for yourself what is good; what is life-enabling, what promotes life and love…
Trust yourself…and your ability to see the good in other’s ways of living… and in your ability to learn…
Being focused on the good in others, you could enrich your life, with more choices…
Float around the world in your fantasy, into the different places of worship of others… and see the good everywhere… and learn… to see the world from different perspectives, and get enriched: with a belief in Self… to learn all anew…to become new…self-confident being, capable of soaring high, to your full potentials.
copyright ©
M.R.Arulraja 2005
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