Goals that are properly set will enable you to access your enormous unconscious powers. Goals are said to be properly set when they
fulfill four specific conditions. We discussed at length two of them in the previous write-ups.
This time around, we proceed to examine the other two qualities of empowering goals – set in the style of achievers.
Take care: there are people around you
Your may pursue success, your dreams, or your goals with a single-mindedness of purpose. But, at the end of the journey, if you ended up all alone, you may have no one to share your success with; to celebrate with. And that is not a good way to pursue goals.
Yet, the danger of getting lost with your goals is real. Those possessed of their dream tend to work round the clock, to reach their stars. They stretch themselves to limits: not minding their hunger, sleep, nor paying attention to any number of roadblocks on the way. But the danger is that they forget their spouse and children, too, along the way.
They are hardly home any time. And if they come home, they arrive only to retire or wash and change linen, only to rush out again. True winners know the value of the family, and ensure they carry their family along with them through their dream journey.
It may be the child looking for assistance with her home-work, or the spouse wanting to go out with you for an hour – just to spend time together. But, if you failed in this area, and make the spouse and children feel left out, they may fall out with you. And you might be left with a feeling of void, wondering what is wrong with you, even if you got to be ranked one among the rich and famous of the world.
Hence, take care. Discuss your dreams with your kids and spouse! Help them understand what you are up to. Give them the joy of helping you, in whatever way they can so that they can rightly feel proud of having assisted you in your journey.
And, whatever your dream, respect the dreams of the family members, too. And help them towards their goals. Bonding with growing children takes time. And you need them as much as they need you.
Thus, when you are dreaming, ensure you see your spouse and children are at least with you, in your dreamland. See them and you celebrating your future achievements. Listen to the conversation you would have with them as you arrive at your destination. Such visuals and sounds will pop up ideas in your brains, telling you how to include those close to you, along your journey forward.
And people may not encourage you
Though it is important and necessary to carry your family along with you, it may not be worthwhile trying to carry the world with you. Often, you may find people around not appreciating your endeavours; nor lending a helping hand. They may rather make fun of your efforts. Those around you, who see you struggling to go to a higher level of living, leaving them behind where they are, might feel inspired to mock at your efforts.
The public at large thought of many efforts of scientists as foolhardy acts. The Wright Brothers offer us a classical example. If they waited to convince everyone around of their efforts, they might never have succeeded in their efforts. Winners, typically, don’t care much for the reactions of the crowds.
There is one area you need to carefully to comply with in the external world: ensure whatever you do in your attempt to reach goals is lawful. While you may turn a blind eye to what the public will think of you, you can’t but bend to the will of the public as expressed in law books.
There is no use of winning a medal, and then be disgracefully stripped of it, after the results of your urine and blood tests arrive.
Ensure legality at every step you take. That is the way you take care of the distant others: the society at large. If you can turn back and tell the jeering crowd: What I do is not anything illegal; Leave me alone to pursue my dreams. Then, you are okay.
That is the third crucial NLP step of maintaining the ecological balance with others around you.
The important fourth dimension: Experience the goal
For the ordinary mortals, a goal has only one role: It shows where one wants to reach.
For winners, a goal, besides telling them where they would like to be in future, also offers them a vital secret key that opens and releases their inner unconscious energy.
Winners know the art of making a key out of a goal!
This is how you could turn your goals into a magic key to success: You let the goal take possession of you. You get possessed with the goal, and you start moving, or rather, the goal moves you, making you forget hunger, sleep, or any other difficulty.
To let the goal possess you, you need to let the goal inside of you. Don’t let it hang on the wall as a framed piece of paper. That does not inspire you so much.
What you need to do is to relax, and drift into a fantasy of you having already arrived at your goal: and see what joy and excitement awaits you; hear what appreciation pours on you; and touch, smell and taste success, now, in your imagination!
Once you imagine your goal so vividly, your body chemistry changes immediately, creating your inner energy to move.
The power of visualizing
You imagine that you are now walking in a garden, and you find a gooseberry tree full of fruits. The fruits are fresh and inviting; and you reach out and pluck a handful, and you are putting one in your mouth; and crushing it gently between your teeth; and munching the flesh…
You are already salivating?
The pictures and the scenes you create are not something ‘abstract’ that you can see ‘objectively’ without getting affected. They trigger a whole lot of chain reaction in your body – of which, one result, you could perceive: you are salivating! Your body chemistry has changed.
Your moods are created by the body chemistry. Some could make you depressed. Some make you happy. And, the good news that NLP brings you is: You can now choose your moods by choosing your body chemistry – which, in turn is achieved, by choosing the picture you choose to see!
And people who saw and experienced their goals so vividly, in all their five senses, could create the body energy to keep awake, work hard, face all odds, and achieve their goals.
Once you decide to move towards a goal, it is, as if, the unconscious mind takes over the task involved in reaching you to your goal.
Consider this picture: A woman leader is invited to attend a meeting in a neighbouring town. And she decides to attend, and accepts the invitation.

Once she decides to go, she is prompted by her unconscious mind, automatically: Of what she needs to do before leaving – to ensure care of her kids, her hens, goats, buffalos, and what bag to take with her, and what things to put inside the bag… a whole lot of instructions flow, from her unconscious self.
Ever detail of her journey falls in line, if she is relaxed, listening to her inner self that tells her what she should do, from the moment she decided to go.