"Sometimes our light goes out
but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes
deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light." This article
is to express my deepest thanks to those people who proved this
quote right.
Most of them have not met me;They do not even know
my full name; They all are from a differnet country;different
culture;very different life style;Yet they are all very special
to me as I am to them. I have never thought - not even in my wildest
dreams - that my single trip to USA will win so many friends for
me who make me to look for the rainbow in every storm

Marilyn Cockett : Her bubbly voice and enthusiastic mails
make me always suspicious of her 50+ age.She is the most positive
person I have ever known in my life - a 'never say die' character.
Irrespective of the problem you are in ,Marilyn will always say
' Nothing to worry....keep your mind open...there is always a
way out and I'm with you!'.She does prove that she is with you
through out the hard times by her encouraging mails and frequent
phone calls. I bet , you can never bring out a negative statement
from Marilyn.I have many times thought that she is filled with
positive thoughts instead of blood.Everyday she answers 100s of
mails from strangers counselling and guiding them into the spiritual
path.Marylin is a sort of friend that I can always count on to
advise and understand; who is there for me when she'd rather be
somewhere else.Whenever I think of her , this quote crosses my
mind - 'Friends are God's way of taking care of us' How I wish
we all have a friend like Marilyn!
Susan Laber :I feel like introducing
her as a 60 year young baby, born with two wheels as Sue is so
plain,pure and active like a baby, always on the move to help
others. It looks to me that her internal system is set for instant
action by the word 'help'..Apart from her full time job and a
family to look after, she is into a lot of commitments - Christian
ministries, student exchange programs, youth festivals....the
list is too long to remember.If there is someone who is busier
than the President of United States,then it must be none other
than Sue. Where she finds time to do all these and write long
inspiring mails addressing each minute details is a billion dollar
question,perhaps worth researching.
I just made a passing remark of my dreams stating from my wildest
dream of 'cleaning up India' to my silliest one - learning to
play music' adding that these dreams are going to remain as dreams
throughout my life.I was speechless when I saw her response by
giving a plan to achieve all my dreams addressing each one individually
.She also added that she wants to complete her Masters and then
her Ph.D before she is 80.Her optimistic dream made me ashamed
of myself for my pessimistic thoughts but yet I never believed
that any of my dreams could ever come true. But I was really moved
when she started preparing for my music lessons over fax or e-mail
apart from praying very seriously for my dreams.I must say that
my dreams are turning realities one by one.Sue's favourite quote
is 'expect a miracle today'. I have no doubt that she is a miracle
in my life. She is like a diamond to me - precious and rare.
Linda Weaver : A soft ,loving
woman with 'Gentle' as her middle name .She is a well wisher of
everyone on earth.Many times I had wanted to ask her if she is
aware of an emotion called 'anger'. Even her e-mails sound soft.
Her simple mails carry a gentle whisper of love and care and eagerness
to keep the friendship alive.If keeping in touch is an art,she
is an expert in it. A very confidential and understanding friend
with whom I never had to hesitate to share my silliest disappointments
and momentary out bursts. She gets me thro' the hard times and
help me enjoy the good ones.If Linda adopts two Asian children
as per her wish ,I am pretty sure that those children are blessed
ones to have such an wonderful mom.
Weaver : 'Jimbo' , as I address him - is a witty engineer
with very high values for people. A caring individual with a strong
liking for Indian food. When I first met him in a new office,in
a new country,I was disappointed that I was going to have an arrogant
colleague.He proved me 100% wrong by his 'extra ' patience for
all my tiny doubts and the consideration he showed for a new-comer.
When I was completely helpless, he drove me to shopping , for
exploring different foods , helped me to get more friends and
finally listened to all my lectures about India with interest.
He is one among the very few reasons that made me feel bad for
leaving the USA.I really thought the story had ended there but
it was just a beginning. Jimbo is not only keeping in touch with
me through regular e-mails and occasional phone calls but has
introduced me a lot of good friends. I get a bunch of wishes from
his friends for my birthday.His friends surprise me by their mails
stating that they have heard a lot about me from Jimbo.Like to
recall an incident here that left me awestruck.When I made a long
distance call to Jimbo's residence for the first time without
any prior notice, his new roommate answered the call and instantly
asked me - ' Is it nimi?'
I would say that this article is incomplete and I really need
an another forum for writing about my other friends - William
Skryzypczk , Bob Zelenak and Dody Hoover who proved that time
isn't what makes a friendship last...It's love and devotion that
keeps the tie between souls.
I'm really overwhelmed by the affection and attention from my
special friends. I have learnt and learning a lot from them. I
pick up courage, spirit and strength from them to live positively.
I salute all of them for having made me a better friend to many
by setting themselves as examples.