    ? Uravugal
    ? StarKids
    ? Jambavangal
    ? Sigarathukku
    ? Virumbukirom
    ? Iyalisai
"Quality Life to All Indians" - Sindhanai Sirpigal

"All the people in this country should get their basic requirements like food, clothes and shelter. Quality Education and Environment should become a birthright. The health of Indians should be wealthy. And the wealth of Indians should be healthy. In short our goal is providing "Quality Life to ALL Indians." This is the mission statement of Sindhanani SirpigaL (SSL) , an NGO based in Coimbatore. SSL, as they shortly put it, was founded an year back on 20th August 2000 by Sundaramurthy (29) and Senthil Kumar Arumugam (24). SSL presently has about 50 members and the commendable fact is that most of them contribute 3% of their salaries towards running the organization and welfare projects. SSL members are spread across the world and trying to network with other NGOs with similar missions.

SSL's focus is now on villages.They provide job assistance to the unemployed youths , provide financial assistance for the education of down-trodden, campaign against child labor, they organize health check ups…and the list goes on and on.

They do not spare politics too. SSL is looking forward to getting into active politics as well as they feel that lack of educated individuals in politics is the main reason for corruption and poor governance.

Nilacharal is very proud of associating with SSL as their promoting partner. If Bharathi had been alive, he must have been proud of these young 'musketeers' whose lives revolve around this country.

A short interview with the founder and co-founder of SSL.

How did you get it started and What was the inspiration?
Sundar: I felt a big difference between village students and city students in terms of exposure, knowledge sources, communication skills and almost in everything. I wanted to bridge the gap.
Dr.M.S.Udayamoorthy is 1% inspiration and drove me to 99% perspiration. A few Tamil movies like Gandhi, Indian and Gentleman also inspired me.

Many social service organizations vanish due to financial failures (lack of funds). Are you confident of running this organization successfully?
Sundar and Senthil: At present we are not getting donations from the public. Most of our members contribute 3% of their salary consistently (Monthly). Hence our fund inflow is steady. I agree that we need a huge fund to achieve our goal. We'll work towards it.

How is the response from Public?
Sundar and Senthil: The response is very good. The village people are expecting a team/organization with members of sound integrity and intellect.

When do you think your dreams will come true?
Sundar and Senthil: Two to three years. to build the first "Role Model-village". 15-20 years for the whole of India.

What do you expect from the public to materialise your vision?
Sundar and Senthil: Co-operation. Please think about the nation too; at least be honest and sincere to your best abilities.
"Who have lots, spare golden pots
Who have less, spare coin dots
Who have not, spare Precious Words".

If you like to join us, email to sslindia-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. If you like to know more about us Visit us at www.sslindia.org.You can get in touch with us at contact@sslindia.org

Do you have a detailed plan to achieve your goal?
Sundar and Senthil : We've named our startup project as " Adopt-A-Village".
In this adopted village we are going to address Education, Career, Health, Public Grievances, co-operate with other NGO's.

What in your opinion is the vital element required for the betterment of India?
Sundar: Unity, Awareness, Knowledge and Good Leadership.

Well-done and good luck friends. WE ARE WITH YOU.

Naangal vimarsanam   © 2001 www.nilacharal.com. All rights reserved.