Dindigul I. Leoni : A Globetrotting Entertainer (Part -3)
- C. Manivannan


What are you reading these days?

Psychology related books, mostly.

 At times, they seem heavy and a bit difficult too to understand but I never give up. If I find some thing good, I share them with my audience. I read this “Good listeners must also be good performers”and I try my best to follow it.

Is there any difference between your native fans and fans abroad?

Fans are fans everywhere. Their admiration remains the same be it here or there.

Only thing is that I need to make some sort of adjustments on stage based on where I perform.

For example, if I give a programme in and around Madurai, I would talk humourously about the difficulties in dealing with the five different bus stands in the city. My anecdotes about nearby places, and events would be a roaring success with the local audience. But, I cannot sell the same stuff to my London audience because most of them would hardly ever know of Madurai or its infrastructure.

So, in my overseas programmes, I’d talk kind of family relationship, art, culture and cinema. It is a mind reading business and I think I have mastered the art and overcome these situations with ease to win applause from the audience.

Your fans are everywhere. Have you ever given your fans abroad, a chance to perform with you on stage?

Many times.

In Malaysia, I performed with the local pattimandram troupe and it was received very well.

I staged my pattimandram in most of the American cities with complete new faces… all my fans. I did not take my regular troupe with me there. I landed there just three days before the programme. My event managers had already selected some fans to participate in that event. After some rehearsals, I selected some of them and we successfully managed many stage-shows there in America. It was really a thrilling and unforgettable experience for me. I was really nervous for the second time in my career. Later, I performed in Dubai and Kuwait with the fans there.

 You have travelled far and wide in the globe. Is there a place you have not yet covered?

Yes! Japan is in the list. It is the only major country where I haven’t yet given my performances.

 You have any word of advice for the youngsters?

-         Love your country first

-         Try to follow some public etiquette like showing regard to National Flag and Anthem

-         Get yourself educated – and

-         Get away from the communal conflicts

This is what I would like to insist to youngsters. I firmly believe that those who love their country will never indulge in wrong doings.

Sad, that people are becoming fanatics in the name of religion. The slightest provocation leads to untoward happenings. This is where I believe that youngsters should be very careful, distancing themselves from these trivial matters and teach a lesson or two to their elders.

 Have you been conferred with any titles?

My fans prefer to call me by various titles like ‘Nagaisuvai Thendral’, Nagaisuvai Navukarasar’, ‘Nadamadum Kalaivanar’ and all.

But, I very much prefer to be known as ‘Dindigul. I. Leoni’ ; to get your name associated with your town is something special that one would cherish always. This type of recognition is what I wanted to achieve and I had been longing, to be frank. I guess now I have accomplished a bit in that direction and am very much in the hearts of many. I’m really satisfied.

About your family…

As I already told you, we are a big family. My parents were teachers. Six of my siblings are in the same line too. In our family get-togethers we laugh, pull each others’ legs and even indulge in verbal duels. Fun and frolic. We are identified as ‘Teachers’ family’ by our neighbours and friends.

Well, my wife Dr. Palaniammal is a Tamil scholar, a Ph.D. She is professor of Tamil at MVM College, Dindigul. She is also my resource person as she helps me in all my Tamil literature related preparations

We have a daughter Agalya, who is in the school final now. She is a very good orator, classical dancer, singer and an artist too. She also acts as a trouble-shooter for my doubts on new cine songs.

 Your profession demands and you are often out of your sweet home. How much do they miss you?

Of course, they miss me quite a lot. But, they do have a satisfied feeling as they very well aware of the fact that my visits always fetch me enormous fame and people too are entertained the world over.

Even if they have an inner wish to accompany me for all my programmes, it is very much difficult for them to do so as they have their own tasks to attend to. Foreign tours are an exemption because they are a longer one. I prefer them to take them along with me then.

 Finally, what do you believe is your strength?

Undoubtedly, it’s my God-given “Gift of the gab”

Thanks to Him.

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